Does your MLS use multiple columns to display an address?
Does it provide multiple dates indicating when a listing became inactive (Withdrawn Date, Cancelled Date, etc…)?
Does it provide multiple dates indicating when a listing became a pending sale?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the newest version of Dynamo MC should help you get results even faster.
New features in Dynamo MC (version
- Multiple columns can now be selected for the following fields:
- Address fields – Dynamo MC will combine these in the order they are found (left to right).
- Date Pending – Dynamo MC will use the earliest date found.
- Date Inactive – Dynamo MC will use the earliest date found.
- Charts can now be exported to the workfile. (You can control this in Options-Export).
When you start Dynamo MC, you will be notified of the update and shown a link to the newest installer.
Does this update help you spend less time in Excel? Please let us know at