PDF Export service discontinued

PDF Export service discontinued

We’ve recently made the decision to discontinue the PDF Export subscription service. The majority of users currently prefer the simplicity of exporting through the TOTAL Store. We felt that removing this feature would simplify Dynamo MC for most users.

Exports through the TOTAL Store are still supported and will be for the foreseeable future. Thank you for using Dynamo MC!

Price reduction for Unlimited PDF exports

Price reduction for Unlimited PDF exports

We’ve reduced the monthly subscription price for unlimited PDF exports to $14.99. Market conditions are changing rapidly during these unprecedented times! Now is a great time to start using Dynamo MC to visualize real estate activity as part of your market analysis. Try Dynamo MC and see how easy it is to document your market conditions and support your value opinions. Sign up for an account and start your free trial today!

Dynamo MC now works with all appraisal software

Dynamo MC now works with all appraisal software

We’re proud to announce that Dynamo MC now works with ACI, ClickFORMS, and all other modern appraisal software packages that include a PDF Import feature! In addition to exporting the results to TOTAL, you can now choose to export to a PDF document. Then you’ll be able to import that PDF directly into your appraisal report.

To get started creating PDF Exports, simply register for a free Dynamo Appraiser account. After registering, you’ll be able to download and try Dynamo MC. Once you’re ready to export your first PDF, you can choose to begin your free 7 day trial subscription.

Start PDF Export Trial

If you choose to continue using Dynamo MC after your free trial expires, you can choose to enter your billing information and renew your subscription at that time. This subscription operates independently of the TOTAL Store.

Interested in seeing a sample report?

To see what your sample output might look like, just download this sample PDF. Keep in mind that you can use as much or as little of the output in this report as you like. You can also edit the colors, regression options, and many other attributes to fit your preferences.

We hope that appraisers that do not use TOTAL will enjoy having Dynamo MC as a tool in their appraising tool belts, and are exciting to hear your feedback. Please let us know what you think at feedback@dynamoappraiser.com.

How do I use my Dynamo MC charts in an ENV?

How do I use my Dynamo MC charts in an ENV?

Ever had to deliver an appraisal as an AppraisalPort® ENV file within TOTAL?  In the newest version of Dynamo MC, we’ve made some improvements that will allow you to finally be able to include all of the generated reports and charts in your ENV reports.

Dynamo MC report images have always worked just fine with TOTAL, but due to a compatibility problem within TOTAL, the chart images never really worked when delivering to an ENV.  While we wait for the compatibility issue to be fixed, we’ve added a feature that you can use to get around this.

To enable ENV compatible output, click on the Tools > Options. Click on the “Charts Step” tab, and you’ll see an option that says “Force ENV compatible output (ignores Output Paper Size setting)”.  Check this box, and your chart forms will use forms that look a bit differently than you are used to (but will work great with ENV delivery).

Chart Option Changes

When you deliver your appraisal report as an ENV within TOTAL, you’ll now see that all of your charts are compatible.

Total ENV Output Sample

We’ve also fixed some bugs in the latest version of Dynamo MC (version  For more information on what has changed, please check the Change Log.  When you start your current version of Dynamo MC, you will be notified of the update and shown a link to the newest installer.

Does this update help you get more out of Dynamo MC?  Please let us know at feedback@dynamoappraiser.com.

An easy way to receive fewer callbacks

An easy way to receive fewer callbacks in your appraisals

The newest version of Dynamo MC now completes the “One-Unit Housing Trends” section in the neighborhood section of the 1004 (page 1).  Based on feedback we received, many of the callbacks appraisers receive from reviewers occur because this section does not match what Dynamo MC was putting in the 1004 MC.  Now this section will always be in sync with your comparable market analysis.  That’s good news for you, as it is one less thing you to have to worry about, and you’ll have fewer callbacks.

One-Unit Housing Trends Highlighted

You can see the calculated trends on the Review step in Dynamo MC before you export your results.

Review - One-Unit Housing Trends

If you are interested in why a certain trend was chosen, simply hover your mouse over this section in Dynamo MC, and you’ll see a tool tip explaining why each choice was made.

Receive fewer callbacks from AMCs with charts and reports of the subject’s market

One of the most compelling reasons to use Dynamo MC is to receive fewer callbacks that challenge the market conditions in your appraisals.  This is done by properly documenting the subject’s comparable market.  With a variety of calculations, charts, and graphs available, your analysis of the market with Dynamo MC will be above and beyond what the 1004 MC form can accomplish.  AMC reviewers and underwriters will see this analysis in your appraisal report, and they will know that you’ve done your due diligence and have provided more than adequate documentation for the market conditions currently at play.

That’s not just less time on the phone. That’s less time modifying and resubmitting your report.  Fewer callbacks means your appraisal is accepted sooner, and may help you avoid many of the headaches with deadlines and interested parties checking in on you.  Every little bit helps when you only have so much time in a week!


We’ve also fixed some small bugs in the latest version of Dynamo MC (version as well, and have made it easier for appraisers to send us information when they need help.  For more information on what has changed, please check the Change Log.  When you start your current version of Dynamo MC, you will be notified of the update and shown a link to the newest installer.

Does this update help prevent you from being bothered by excessive AMC call backs?  Please let us know at feedback@dynamoappraiser.com.

Polynomial Appraisal Regression

Polynomial Appraisal Regression

Dynamo MC now features polynomial appraisal regression (in addition to linear regression). We’ve received a lot of requests for this feature, so we hope you’ll find it useful in your appraisal analysis.

Why would this matter?  In many markets, the seasonality of the market is a real factor.  You may have noticed that buyers don’t like shopping for homes in the winter months, or even that sales slow to a crawl during the holidays.  Polynomial regression allows a curved line to be used to explain a market trend, so fluctuations can be explained.  This may allow you to better explain the behavior in your market.

We’ve overhauled our regression component to allow the appraiser to select the appropriate trend line to use for each chart or report.  You may now select from these options for regression:

  • None – No regression analysis will be performed
  • 1st Order (Linear) – Applies a straight trend line.
  • 2nd Order (Quadratic) – Applies a trend line with a single curve.
  • 3rd Order (Cubic) – Applies a trend line with two curves.
  • 4th Order (Quartic) – Applies a trend line with three curves.
  • Automatic – Dynamo MC will perform a mathematical analysis to automatically select the trend that gives the least amount error. This analysis gives more weight to lower order trend lines to explain the data.

You will be able to see a preview for these trend lines before you include them in  your report on the chart and report steps in Dynamo MC.  By default, linear regression will be selected for these charts and reports so that they continue to work the way the have previously.

Here is an example of different trend lines applied to the “Discount % from List Price” chart:


Dynamo Chart - Discount Quartic Trend

4th Order (Quartic) Trend

Dynamo Chart - Discount Quartic Trend
Dynamo Chart - Discount Cubic Trend

3rd Order (Cubic) Trend

Dynamo Chart - Discount Cubic Trend
Dynamo Chart - Discount Quadratic Trend

2nd Order (Quadratic) Trend

Dynamo Chart - Discount Quadratic Trend
Dynamo Chart - Discount Linear Trend

1st Order (Linear) Trend

Dynamo Chart - Discount Linear Trend
Dynamo Chart - Discount No Trend

No Trend

Dynamo Chart - Discount No Trend
Dynamo Chart - Discount Automatic Trend

Automatic Trend (A linear trend was the best fit for this data)

Dynamo Chart - Discount Automatic Trend


You should always review the charts and reports that are generated when using polynomial regression to make sure that the applied trend makes sense within your market.

Easy to see chart and report previews

Have you ever had a hard time seeing the smaller parts of the chart and report previews in Dynamo MC?  We’ve implemented a full-screen preview so that you can easily zoom in for a closer view.

New color palettes available

We’ve added two new color palettes (Spreadsheet and Traditional) based on requests from our users.  These are similar to the “Dynamo” color palette, but feature blue and yellow backgrounds.

  Dynamo Chart - Sale Price with Spreadsheet Colors Dynamo Chart - Sale Price with Traditional Colors

There are other stability and usability improvements in the latest version of Dynamo MC (version as well.  For more information on what has changed, please check the Change Log.  When you start your current version of Dynamo MC, you will be notified of the update and shown a link to the newest installer.

Does this update let you get more out of Dynamo MC?  Please let us know at feedback@dynamoappraiser.com.

Looking for an easy 1004MC solution?

Looking for an easy 1004MC solution?

Looking for an easy 1004MC solution?  Look no further than Dynamo MC.

We are committed to making Dynamo MC the easiest 1004MC tool available to appraisers.  In the newest update, we’ve made Dynamo MC even easier by focusing on a few areas that were causing appraisers some trouble.

Improvements to the select step

We’ve improved the look of the select step and think you’ll find that the new visuals make it easier to see when your columns in your data are missing.


The old Select step appearance

The old Select step appearance


The updated Select step appearance

The updated Select step appearance

We think you’ll agree that the new icons make it easier to see when there is a problem.  It also completely removes the temptation to click on the old check boxes.

Improvements to the Dynamo Reporter

We’ve also made it easier to send files to our support team directly from within Dynamo MC.  The Dynamo Reporter (available from Help -> Submit Error Report) now can include your currently loaded data file.  It also can send your last working export to our support team.  Now if you experience an error, you’ll be able to send us everything we need to help in just a few clicks.

The Dynamo Reporter makes it easy to let us know about a crash or share other information with us

The Dynamo Reporter makes it easy to let us know about a crash or share other information with us

There are a few other stability and usability improvements in the latest version of Dynamo MC (version as well.  For more information on what has changed, please check the Change Log.  When you start your current version of Dynamo MC, you will be notified of the update and shown a link to the newest installer.

Does this update make it easier for you to use Dynamo MC?  Please let us know at feedback@dynamoappraiser.com.