Looking for an easy 1004MC solution?
Looking for an easy 1004MC solution? Look no further than Dynamo MC.
We are committed to making Dynamo MC the easiest 1004MC tool available to appraisers. In the newest update, we’ve made Dynamo MC even easier by focusing on a few areas that were causing appraisers some trouble.
Improvements to the select step
We’ve improved the look of the select step and think you’ll find that the new visuals make it easier to see when your columns in your data are missing.
We think you’ll agree that the new icons make it easier to see when there is a problem. It also completely removes the temptation to click on the old check boxes.
Improvements to the Dynamo Reporter
We’ve also made it easier to send files to our support team directly from within Dynamo MC. The Dynamo Reporter (available from Help -> Submit Error Report) now can include your currently loaded data file. It also can send your last working export to our support team. Now if you experience an error, you’ll be able to send us everything we need to help in just a few clicks.
There are a few other stability and usability improvements in the latest version of Dynamo MC (version as well. For more information on what has changed, please check the Change Log. When you start your current version of Dynamo MC, you will be notified of the update and shown a link to the newest installer.
Does this update make it easier for you to use Dynamo MC? Please let us know at feedback@dynamoappraiser.com.