Getting data from your MLS

How do I get my comparable market data?

In order to use Dynamo MC™, you will need to be able to export data from your own MLS system.  There are many different MLS systems, but the vast majority of them allow you to export the data from your comparable properties search in one way or another.

If you have never been able to export MLS data from your MLS tool, please check directly with your MLS.  They know their software better than anyone, so they are the people to answer this question for you.

Dynamo MC™ accepts any of the following formats:

  • Delimited text file – This is just a text file were a special character is used to delimit, or separate columns.  This is commonly a .CSV (comma separated values) file.  Any text file that is properly delimited may be used with Dynamo MC™.  Please be aware that you will need to provide the delimiter character when loading the file.  Common delimiters are commas ( , ), tabs (specified by \t within the program), colons ( : ) and the vertical bar ( | ).
  • Microsoft Excel file – Both .XLS and .XLSX files may be used with Dynamo MC™.  Please be aware that if the document contains multiple worksheets, the data be located on the first worksheet in order to be read.
  • Pasted Text – If your MLS system provides your data in text form directly, and it can be easily copied, you can save some time by copy/pasting this data directly into Dynamo MC™.

Need a sample file?

Try downloading a sample file below and testing it with Dynamo MC™.  In order to see the data as it was intended, we recommend you choose an effective date of 5/16/2014.  Of course, you may always change this effective date to see how the program responds, but the results may not always make as much sense.  Feel free to experiment.

When you are using this sample data, please be careful not to “export” on the final step, or you may accidentally use one of your report uses (as if you were using the program in a real appraisal).

Download sample CSV file

Download sample Excel XLS file

Download sample Excel XLSX file

Still having trouble?

That’s okay.  We realize that this is the hardest step in learning to use Dynamo MC™.  If you have checked with your MLS and still can’t figure out how to export, we want to help you!

Please send an email to and let us know what you are having trouble with.  If you already have a data file from your MLS, but just have questions about which columns you should be using, please attach your current data file along with your questions. We will review your data file and get back to you with our recommendations.



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